We’re making changes to your FanRating

We’ve listened to your feedback and are making some changes to the FanRating algorithm in FanHub. ????

Your FanRating represents your rating as a fan out of 100. The factors that make up your FanRating are:

  1. Checking in to games, at the ground or at home
  2. Miles travelled, from your home to the ground
  3. Content consumption, how much you check out in the Fan Feed
  4. Lineup Predictions accuracy, how many of the starting XI you get right

Because a number of these factors are currently unavailable to fans due to the ongoing pandemic, achieving the maximum rating of 100 has not been possible.

We recognise that it’s not your fault you can’t get to grounds – of course we’d all love to be back! – so we’ve decided to make changes to the FanRating algorithm for the rest of this season.

As of today, the rating will be based on only the factors that are available to fans currently. So your FanRating will, truly, be your rating out of 100. ?

Expect to see some big increases in FanRatings across the leaderboard this weekend! ?


The FanHub Team

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